Beach Vacation Tips With Toddler

So finally we can go on vacation together as a family, it was short but precious moment. Vacation can be a hassle for us, if we don't know the trick and tips before we actually go for vacation, we don't want to end up broke after vacation right? First of all we decide when the time and how long we're going to have vacation, than the destination, some of my friends suggest sign up for hotel bidding, I don't really know how that works, they do had great deal on those trick, for me I just do old fashion trick. This time we went to Orange Beach and we want to stay by the beach for easy access in a short time.

Ok enough talk, here are my main list
For the trip (if you drive for long hours)
- Favorite toys
- Car DVD player (if you have one)
- Snacks for the trip (I always separate with others for the hotel)
- Favorite soft drinks: few in the back seat in small cooler and the rest in the big cooler in the trunk

For the Hotel
- Instant meal like ramen noodle (we ate them on some night)
- Bread, peanut butter or your favorite jam
- Extra Pillow
- Game plan if the weather not friendly and make you stay in the room

For the Beach
- Beach toys for my toddler
- Sunscreen (plenty of those)
- Beach towels
- Beach chair
- Sun shade (bought from Aldi's for $14 works awesome)

And most important stuff Not to forget
- Medicine (Tylenol, allergy med, etc)
- Sunburn relief kit
- Changing clothes & undergarment
- Cash $
- Check your vehicle and fill the gas up
- Bathing suits!

Alright I can't wait for my next vacation... I really love the beach!!
Enjoy your vacation!!


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